I felt your experience I internalized the pain
I basked in your joy and I quaked at your shame
How could just an embryo cause so much grief?
So much turmoil, so much tears in the wake of disbelief
Some would call me a blessing, others an object of scorn
Between a mother’s love and the world saying I shouldn’t even be born
Mama don’t cry
Because you chose a man that didn’t want to do what was right
Mama don’t cry
Because you’re being persuaded to take away my life
Mama don’t cry
As they enter you into that cold cold room
Urging you to kill your seed with the aid of a vacuum
Demented institution making profit from killing babies
Millions of dollars they made by numbing you to the love you would have gave me
I can feel your emotions, they’ve convinced you, you’re doing something good
Eugenics population control under the guise of Planned Parenthood
Sterilizing your body and you don’t even know it
Moses and the children of Israel all over again
Because Margaret Sanger was a she-devil that plotted our end
But Mama don’t cry
That I can feel them sucking me out of your womb
I can feel you clinching your stomach, crying in that cold cold room
Then throwing me in a dumpster without me saying goodbye
The Christ was born under similar circumstances
But Mama don’t cry
Mama don’t cry
That I share your pain with no immunity
Mama don’t cry
That this is the number one cause of death in the black community
Mama don’t cry
That pro-choice is a tool to trick you into choosing death over life
Mama don’t cry
That this world has caused you so much pain and strife
Mama don’t cry
That you might have killed someone that could have been something great
Just promise me the next time you won’t look at my brother or sister as a mistake
Mama don’t cry